A Love Story

Jennifer and Paul are hands down one of my favorite couples I have worked with. They're honesty, humor, and generosity was a "breath of fresh air". The way Paul held his wife, whispered in her ear, kissed her forehead and the way her cheeks turned red with touch and his voice was just what this session needed and the proof to me that no matter what love does come and stay in your life.

Laughter is Joy

The way these two kept laughing at each other had me rolling! At one point I asked Paul to put his face close to her like he was going to kiss her and his exact words were, "Let me smell your neck like Biden!" and then proceeded to do just that. When you can have that real sense of humor and can keep your spouse on their toes, your marriage will never be dull. Those are the marriages that truly last, the ones where you find your actual best friend.

Building a Foundation

Jennifer and Paul met at work and grew their friendship into a loving relationship which led them to this wonderful marriage. They bought their home and have been recently making changes. Their back yard is literal goals. Talk about a staycation!! I can't wait until we get together again and shoot their whole family! Their kids just have no idea how lucky they are to have these two as their parents!