There is nothing like all the firsts. The first kiss, the first date, the first day after saying "I do", and there really is nothing like the first baby. That's when life really begins. The first pregnancy test that sometimes turns into seven, then the first doctor appointment, that first. ultrasound, the first kick, the first contraction, and that first labor all lead to that first baby. You now know that your heart beats outside of your chest. Your first child is just that, your first one. This is where all the learning happens, where all the mistakes happen, and all the happiness begins.

Baby malcoLm

Malcom stole my heart when I met him. I can already tell you that he's gonna be one alert and smart young man. He loves to be rocked and talked to like he's grown already. His favorite nickname is Squishy and when I tell you his little cheeks are the squishiest, I can not make it up.

Motherhood Journey

When I first captured Becca with her new baby, you could just feel the love. There really is nothing like your first born son. That bond is something that just gets stronger and stronger. The way she held her baby and soothed him when he was fussy and knew exactly what he needed whether it was a feeding or a kiss, mom was to the rescue.


I'm pretty sure 90% of boys dream of the day that they grow up and become fathers that they get a little boy to raise to be a better version of themselves. They dream of that best friend to do all the "boy stuff" with, to watch the game with, to talk life with as they grow up, and to pass down the legacy. When Ricky got his son, that dream came true.

The journey

From the moment that Becca and Ricky met, their lives started this amazing journey that is still being traveled but has so far brought them Malcolm. They will go through so many mountains, wrong turns, road blocks, short cuts, and stops but once they meet their destination and look back on this lives journey and everything they have accomplished as a family they won't remember all those obstacles. Only the good, magical, special moments will stand out. I hope that their hearts fill with warmth when they look back at these moments captured in time.

The journey

From the moment that Becca and Ricky met, their lives started this amazing journey that is still being traveled but has so far brought them Malcolm. They will go through so many mountains, wrong turns, road blocks, short cuts, and stops but once they meet their destination and look back on this lives journey and everything they have accomplished as a family they won't remember all those obstacles. Only the good, magical, special moments will stand out. I hope that their hearts fill with warmth when they look back at these moments captured in time.